P Sri (Fliter Coffee)
A leading woman in the Thai coffee community of Khun Lao, Chiang Rai. This village originally cultivated Assam, earning their recognition as reputable producers of “Miang”, or fermented Assam tea leaf. Now Khun Lao is also on the map for producing amazing organic forest grown coffee. P’Sri prioritizes the care of the forest and understands the importance of biodiversity and healthy terroir for sustainable and quality products.
Location - Khun Lao, Chiang Rai
Elevation - 1200-1350 meters
Process - Kenya Wash
Profile - Medium Roast
We Taste - Guava, Grape Jelly, Raw Cacao, Oolong Tea
Method - For Hario V60 Filter or similar pour-over extractions
Brewing Guide
Ratio - 1:15
Water Temp - 93°c
Brew Time - 2:30
200 grams (7oz) of whole bean coffee